MemberPress, the 'All-In-One' Membership Plugin for WordPress
accept credit cards securely, control who sees your content and sell digital downloads
best offer

Start building astounding WordPress membership sites
Discover the power of MemberPress with a 14 days free trial access with all features.
* This is an affiliate link helping me earn a small income for recommending this solution. If you like this review you can support me in my continuing journey of evaluating marketing solutions by using this affiliate link.
In this long-form review page, you will find more information and insights regarding the Memberpress WordPress plugin combined with my experiences for setting up a membership site in WordPress.
Memberpress is a solution for marketers, entrepreneurs, business owners to run successful membership on their WordPress websites. Look at this review as an informative piece of content helping you in your decision process for implementing membership functionality in perhaps your website environment. In the tutorial video you will discover a live example of how I integrated Memberpress on my website.
Easy to Implement
MemberPress is an easy to use WordPress Membership Plugin. It will help you to instantly start charging your users for access to your content. The product will help you confidently create, manage and track membership subscriptions and sell digital download products. In addition to these features, MemberPress will allow you manage your members by granting and revoking their access to posts, pages, videos, categories, tags, feeds, communities, digital files and more based on what memberships they belong to.

Memberpress options
Create Memberships and rules
You will have fine grained control over what content your users can see based on what membership or digital products they've purchased. Restrict access to pages, child pages, posts, custom post types, categories, tags and almost any other files existing in your WordPress installation.

Memberpress membership pages
Coupons make it easy to run promotions and giveaways ... so they are a critical component to any online business. Memberpress allows you to generate as many coupons as you want, control when they expire, their number of uses and even customize the coupon codes.

Memberpress coupons
Dynamic Pricing Pages
MemberPress will allow you to generate dynamic pricing pages for your membership products---sort the order of your membership products, change the copy, change the look and feel ... its very easy and powerful. MemberPress provides several pricing page themes out of the box to make your pricing page look good ... no CSS or HTML coding required. If you're an advanced user and don't find a look and feel for your pricing page that you like in MemberPress then you can simply create your own css styles or fully customize by creating or using a page template in your WordPress theme. Group pricing pages are just standard WordPress custom post types so they're easy to customize.

Memberpress Product Purchase Links
Clear And Relevant Reporting
You'll never be left hanging when it comes to how things are going on your membership site with MemberPress. We've put a lot of thought into the reporting in MemberPress to make sure it will give you all of the information you'll need and none of the information you won't. MemberPress reports will always let you know how much money you're bringing in, which products are selling ... and much more.

Memberpress reporting
Simple Payment Gateway Integration
Figuring out how to configure your site to charge users for digital products or bill them for membership products can be needlessly complex and frustrating (to say the least). Painful gateway setups have burned us too, that's why we've made sure that in MemberPress all you have to do is enter your gateway API keys, setup any notifications the gateway needs and you'll be cooking with gas.

Memberpress payment gateways
Full Blown Subscription Management
There's nothing half baked about it---MemberPress will give members the ability to create, update, and upgrade or cancel their subscriptions directly from your website. And since MemberPress leverages the automated billing systems on the payment gateway's side there's no complex setup ... You'll be able to sit back and relax with the confidence that your payments will come in regularly and that MemberPress will automatically grant or revoke access to your members based on those payments.

Memberpress account update
“The Most Powerful WordPress Membership Plugin"
Almost anything you can think of can be customized with MemberPress.
With MemberPress you’ll be able to create powerful and compelling WordPress membership sites that leverage all of the great features of WordPress, WordPress plugins and other 3rd party services including content management, forums, and social communities.
Unlike many other membership site solutions, MemberPress integrates fully with your already-existing WordPress website, is robust but is also simple to use. So if you're wondering how to get your membership going … no need to wait, you're in the right place.
The Good Stuff
- No code / no scary jargon / Easy to implement
- Multiple Payment gateways, for each membership level
- Complete email notification scenario's
- 'Pause' and 'resume' Membership subscriptions
- Integration with email auto responder
- Authorise or Block Search Engines
- Enable Paywall : #number of free articles and then ask payment
- Great subscription reminder and creditcard expire functionality
- Content dripping (a.k.a. timed release of content) and content access expiration
The Bad Stuff:
- No free version of MemberPress
- No affiliate marketing out of the box
- No support for Digital Sales Tax (EU VAT MOSS regulations) you need integrate with services like eg. Quaderno or Taxamo in order to comply
- In combination with Thrive Apprentice you can not offer free member login to acces courses
- Rather Expensive Product
Review Summary
Product Name:
Product Type:
Easy-to-use implement WordPress Membership
Memberpress PRO Starts at $258,- / per year
This tutorial review summary gives you at a glance the best way to get your membership site up and running
* This is an affiliate link helping me earn a small income for recommending this solution. If you like this review you can support me in my continuing journey of evaluating marketing solutions by using this affiliate link.